Selected Publications

For an up-to-date publication list, please see my Google scholar page

Journal Papers

  1. Hong, Y., Yan, W., Ge, Q. 2023. Designing sustainable logistics networks for classified municipal solid wastes collection and transferring with multi-compartment vehicles. Sustainable Cities and Society, 99, 104921

  2. Ge, Q., Han, K., Liu, X. 2021. Matching and routing for shared autonomous vehicles in congestible network. Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review, 156, 102513

  3. Dantsuji, T., Hirabayashi, S., Ge, Q. and Fukuda, D., 2020. Cross comparison of spatial partitioning methods for an urban transportation network. International Journal of Intelligent Transportation Systems Research, 18, pp.412-421.

  4. Ge, Q., Fukuda, D., Han, K. and Song, W., 2020. Reservoir-based surrogate modeling of dynamic user equilibrium. Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies, 113, pp.350-369.

  5. Ge, Q. and Fukuda, D., 2019. A macroscopic dynamic network loading model for multiple-reservoir system. Transportation Research Part B: Methodological, 126, pp.502-527.

  6. Ge, Q. and Fukuda, D., 2016. Updating origin–destination matrices with aggregated data of GPS traces. Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies, 69, pp.291-312.

Working Papers

  1. Liu, S., Ge, Q., Han, K. A paper on mechanism design.

  2. Zhang, Y., Ge, Q., Han, K. A paper on mechanism design.

  3. Ge, Q., Liu, J., Han, K. A paper on interdiction games.

  4. Cao P., Chen Y., Su Z., Ge Q. A paper on mechanism design.

  5. Han, K., Huang, T., Fan, W., Ge, Q., Dong, S., Wang X. A paper on MFD

  6. Ji, W., Han, K., Ge Q. A paper on TOP

  7. Yang B., Han, K., Tu, W., Ge Q. A paper on vehicle-cargo matching